Thank you for your interest in the National Carnival Queen Pageant. We look forward to receiving your completed registration form and all the requirements as listed in the registration documents.
We want to share some important information that is key to your registration process:
• Your registration allows you automatic entry into the Auditions.
• Auditions will be held on Saturday April 13th, 2019 from 9am at the National Cultural Center, Barnard Hill, Castries.
• The first part of your Auditions will take the form of a short panel interview and this interview will be conducted based on your biography submitted.
o You are allowed one (1) person to work with you backstage who must be able to assist with hair and makeup.
• You are required to bring the following to the audition on Saturday April 13th, 2019.
o Swimwear of your choice. Please note that thongs are not allowed.
o Evening Wear of your choice.
o Any small props needed for your talent. Your talent must not exceed 3 minutes.
• You will be required to answer a question based on your biography.
• You are welcome to walk with your cheering team.
IMPORTANT : The deadline for registration is Wednesday April 10th, 2019.
Good Luck!!!
Please download and complete the attached registration form.