The public is invited to visit an art exhibition at the Folk Research Centre from Monday January 18th, which features the work of the late Harold Simmons (1914-1966), the late Sir Dunstan St. Omer (1927-2015) and Nobel laureate The Honorable Derek Walcott.
This exhibition is part of the FRC’s contribution to Nobel laureate Week 2016.
On Tuesday 19th at 7 pm, the FRC and the Harold Simmons Folk Academy (the educational arm of the FRC), in association with the Nobel laureate Week Committee, will present a lecture titled “Audubon, another vision, Derek Walcott”s White Egrets and Adam’s task of giving things their names.”

The lecture will be presented by Professor Maria Fumagalli of the University of Essex. Ms Fumagalli is a Walcott scholar with several publications to her credit. She was also instrumental in the production of several plays by Derek Walcott in the UK, including Omeros which will appear in St. Lucia during this year’s Jazz and Arts Festival.
The art exhibition was mounted as part of the lecture. Professor Fumagalli is doing research on the art of Harold Simmons and Dunstan St. Omer. Harold Simmons was the tutor of both the young St. Omer and Walcott. In his book Another Life (1972) the Nobel laureate speaks of both Simmons and St. Omer and those early formative years. The exhibition forms the ambience of the lecture on the work of Derek Walcott.
The exhibition remains open until the end of January.