On Wednesday August 8th, 2018, participants in this year’s Southern Summer Arts Programme (SSAP), put on their final production at the Vieux Fort Infant School where they had been training for a four (4) week programme organized by the Cultural Development Foundation (CDF). SSAP is one of three (3) programmes in the Cultural Development Foundation’s, Artsfuzion Project.
From July 11th, participants set out on a journey with their facilitators in drama, dance and music sessions. They explored the various elements of the Lawòz Flower Festival which culminated with the staging of a fitting production captioned, “Viv Lawòz!, under the broad theme “Our Story, Our Culture, Our Lives”.
During the four (4) week programme, it was hoped that participants would develop a deeper appreciation of Saint Lucian cultural forms, be exposed to at least four cultural forms of Saint Lucia (Drama through storytelling, Music through wakes and traditional songs, Dance in the form of traditional dances and the Lawòz Flower Society. Participants were given a historical perspective of the cultural forms and participated in promoting Saint Lucian culture. They were engaged in enhancing their learning and provided with avenues to creatively express and develop their artistic talent, through the arts.
The Southern Summer Arts Programme culminated with a 60 minute production during which parents, guardians and other members of the public were treated with a showcase of the work that participants had produced, the skills which they had acquired and improved during the four weeks of training.
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