Extraordinary meeting of FRC membership

Since the fire that destroyed the Msgr. Patrick Anthony Folk Research Centre’s cultural assets and holdings, the organization has held a number of consultations for business continuity and the way forward.  Among the many issues raised at these consultations were:

  • Decentralization of existing programmes,
  • Collaboration with other heritage agencies,
  • Upgrading FRC’s Website,
  • Data retrieval – sourcing, regathering and collection,
  • Digitization and Storage / Replication – security and resilience
  • Technological Replication – 3D Printing
  • Resource mobilization etc.

To the end, a membership meeting of the FRC is being convened on Wednesday May 30th 2018 at the National Cultural Foundation (CDF) conference room at Barnard Hill commencing at 5:00 pm. At the meeting, members will be given updates on recommendations arising out of the consultations and the work of FRC since the relocation of its office in the CDF building.

All members and well-wishers of FRC are asked to make a special effort to attend.


Join in the convo - tell us what you think!

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