PRESS RELEASE: Official Launch of National Arts Festival ARTReach 2020

Castries, August 27th 2020


For Immediate Release:


ARTreach 2020 is a 7-month online festival with multiple viewing options.

Castries, August 27, 2020; The annual National Arts Festival (NAF), produced by Cultural Development Foundation (CDF) is striding boldly into the digital space in 2020. The NAF, driven by the brand ARTreach – Colours and Contours, Rhythm and Rhyme, is one of CDF’s main platforms for existing and emerging creative talent in the Performing, Literary and Visual Arts.

This year’s artistic showcase will take the form of a series of made-for-TV productions featuring poetry, theatre and an up-close behind-the-scenes exposé in documentary format – on CDF’s work in linking training and development to the continuing professionalization of Saint Lucia’s artistic and creative product, in step with trends and market opportunities. The Festival will unfold with new weekly content over the span of seven months from September this year into March 2020, and will comprise “top-class, feel-good, free, shareable” Saint Lucian artistic content.

True to the NAF’s 2020 theme – Bridging Social Distances – this year’s launch on Thursday August 27th catered to both a virtual and physical audience, and provided a sneak peak of CDF’s new direction for promotion of the Arts as well as excepts from some segments of ARTreach 2020.

In her remarks, Executive Director of the Cultural Development Foundation Mrs. Raymona Henry-Wynne said that like the rest of the artistic sector across the globe, the Foundation was forced to fast-track its strategic plan to embrace and acclimatize to the digital economy. In that regard, “CDF is meeting the constraints and challenges of social distancing brought on by the COVID 19 pandemic with vision and innovation, because our creatives are ready, and many are already there.”

Regarding the selection of this year’s theme, Mrs. Wynne pointed to the parallel contexts of COVID 19 pandemic and the importance of creating a platform for the transmission of generational knowledge on creative processes. “‘Bridging social distances’ is a double entendre of sorts because it acknowledges the constrained spaces in which we now live and connect, while ensuring that our lives, our festivals and our business continues. At the same time, it speaks to the value of maintaining the connection and interactions between artists across generations for knowledge transfer – both historical and with respect to their craft”, Mrs. Wynne explained.


Two other critical objectives of the virtual festival, are to provide opportunities for income generation for Saint Lucian creatives and support services, during the economic downturn created by the pandemic, and to contribute to Saint Lucia’s growing film industry. CDF’s Director of Events Drenia Frederick spoke to the “considerable machinery” of sound and video production personnel, writers, logistics management, makeup and other back of house and marketing services required to manage such an undertaking. “What is also important is the considerable addition to Saint Lucian film that will emerge”, Ms. Frederick said.

ARTreach will feature three state-of-the-art sub-projects using relatable media using a framework that marries educational, informative and entertainment strategies. It will kick off with a six-part virtual poetry series in celebrating six Saint Lucian female writers representing three generations of poets. The theatre arts series will follow with two plays by Saint Lucia playwrights across with ten episodes. A documentary series on the CDF story will culminate the festival. It will treat with CDF’s work in the development of modern and contemporary dance, community steel pan and theatre arts.

In a rousing endorsement of the CDF’s “decisive stride into the digital economy” Danyelle DuBois, Director of Dramacan Theatre group delivered an impromptu thank you to the Foundation on behalf of the sector. “I am very excited to be a part of this and I know I speak for my generation, who need the level of support beyond lip service. It is an exciting time to be part of the CDF network, because the Orange Economy is the future. We are so energized and excited to be on the threshold of what we can see coming”, Ms. Dubois concluded.

The Festival will be accessible via local television and social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube.


Contact: Raymona Henry- Wynne, Executive Director, Cultural Development Foundation (758) 457-9021 or 712-1616

About CDF

CDF exists to champion both the business and the celebration of authentic Saint Lucian culture. Its raison d’etre is to inspire and empower Saint Lucian people and communities to become confident and accomplished ambassadors, delivering Saint Lucia’s compelling creative and cultural proposition to the world.

About the National Arts Festival

The National Arts Festival has grown to be the leading arts festival in Saint Lucia. Its objectives are to
  1. Provide avenues to showcase St. Lucian art and culture on a national level, with particular emphasis on original work.
  2. Promote the creative arts as an integral part of the economic and social fabric of Saint Lucian society.
  3. Provide opportunities for Saint Lucian artists to gain tangible benefits from the production and presentation of their work on a national level.
  4. Foster excellence in the production of the arts.

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