PRESS RELEASE: CDF welcomes its newly appointed Board of Directors

September 18th 2020


Contact: Raymona Henry-Wynne
Phone: (758) 457-9021

The newly appointed Board of Directors of the Cultural Development Foundation (CDF) was formally commissioned at an introductory meeting on Wednesday 9th September with the Hon. Minister of Culture and Creative Industries Fortuna Belrose.

Hon. Minister Belrose said the CDF’s mandate of Training and Development must be very clearly articulated and redound to the benefits of all established and more so aspiring artistes in every community of Saint Lucia.  Minister further went on to state that there must be more community outreach and a concerted and deliberate effort made to reach out to young artistes and youth organizations who must see the CDF as the Home of the Artistes.

Training and development must be at the cornerstone of the work of the CDF. Training must be sustainable and ultimately lead to certification, thereby creating a platform that will allow artists to monetize their goods and services and an understanding of the creatives industries sector within which they operate.

On the heels of the Board’s commissioning, the Chairperson and Directors have organized a Board Retreat scheduled for Saturday 19th September 2020.  The objective of the retreat is to chart the way forward with a clear vision to achieve the mandate of the organization in light of new policy direction for the development of the Orange Economy.  The CDF’s role in driving the creative economy cannot be overemphasized and it is in this vein the Board will deliberate on the CDF’s Mandate to arrive at policies aimed at achieving its objectives in a holistic way.

The Board of Directors under the Chairmanship of Jeannine Giraudy Mc Intyre will provide a clear policy direction to the management of the organization, who will, in turn, develop programming to drive the policy that will assist in achieving the mandate. The Board members are as follows: Louise Victor, Earlyca Frederick, Sonia Sifflet, Henry Amedee, Greenidge Moses, Richard Payne, Alleyne Regis and Suzette Lewis – Jean.

The Board of Directors is very excited about the future of the CDF and promises to work very closely and cohesively with the management team and staff of the organization to provide the necessary support and guidance in as much as is feasible to drive the policy.


About CDF

CDF is both Champion for cultural preservation and development Change Agent. Established on April 1, 2002 (CDF ACT OF 2000), as the agency responsible to align the aspirations of cultural and creative individuals, groups, communities, policymakers and civil society through the implementation of the National Cultural Policy of Saint Lucia, we work to sustain tradition and foster innovation in all forms of cultural expression.

CDF exists to champion both the business and the celebration of authentic Saint Lucian culture. Our raison d’etre is to inspire and empower our people and our communities to become confident and accomplished ambassadors, delivering Saint Lucia’s compelling creative and cultural proposition to the world.

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