PRESS RELEASE: Creole Heritage Month 2020

Saint Lucia (September 15th, 2020)For immediate release

On Thursday, September 10th, 2020, Events Company of St. Lucia Inc. joined its partners, the Msgr. Patrick Anthony Folk Research Centre (FRC) and the Cultural Development Foundation (CDF) in a press conference set up to announce plans for Creole Heritage Month (CHM) 2020. Present were key officials from each agency, agency staff and the media.

Events Saint Lucia took the lead in announcing that the approach for the observance of Creole Heritage Month 2020 would be primarily focused on the production of native content to be distributed via all popular social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram and Instagram TV, as well as YouTube.

“We well recognize the challenges which this world pandemic, COVID 19, has brought about. However, we prefer to look beyond this circumstance and see this as an opportunity to become more creative; to push our boundaries and to ensure that every Saint Lucian is afforded the opportunity to observe and celebrate this very special season which defines us as a people.

We are also very happy to be engaging Saint Lucian artistes and event industry stakeholders once again,” commented Chief Executive Officer of Events Saint Lucia, Lorraine Sidonie.

The CEO went on to recognize the partnerships forged with fellow agencies, FRC and CDF, noting that each agency with their specific mandates, institutional knowledge and capacity, make for the most ideal collaboration. CEO continued to speak with optimism about the success of national events and Saint Lucia’s ability to secure a position as an event capital in the region and revered on an international level.

Louise Victor Executive Director of FRC provided insight on the strategic plans for moving the agency forward, noting that the focus would be on developing the creole language through an extensive, ongoing educational campaign targeting different demographics. Victor commented, “Of special note is the inclusion of a team of young persons who will play lead roles in the programming for Creole Heritage Month content this year. This is in line with our objective to stimulate interest and appeal for our creole language and culture with Saint Lucian youth.”

The CDF lead, Raymona Henry-Wynne followed and outlined the plans for CDF and their contribution to Creole Heritage Month. Raymona Wynne announced inclusion of Icon Series, now into its 5th season as well as plans to observe the La Magwit Flower Festival. “We are thrilled to maintain these two key elements as part of the programming for Creole Heritage Month Celebrations and have come up with creative ways to deliver these in spite of the current circumstances,” commented Wynne. As part of the CDF announcement, Director of Events and Production for the agency, Drenia Frederick provided some detail as to their plans for Creole Heritage Month including the selection of Actor and Performer Arthur Jacob as the Icon of choice for 2020.

Mineva Ross, Communications and Branding Manager for Events Saint Lucia proceeded to present the full program for Creole Heritage Month which features 5 “made for TV” productions. Each production will take on the form of a mini-series, each highlighting key components of Saint Lucia’s cultural and traditional heritage including; Annou Dansé Kwéyòl Sent Lisian educational and entertaining traditional dance series hosted by Jason C. Joseph, Traditional Dance Choreographer and Music Specialist, Fèsten Jwé, a 4 part series highlighting traditional games hosted by radio personality Kiedel Sonny, a creole fashion series branded Bèlté Sent Lisi hosted by National Carnival Queen 2018 Earlyca Frederick, I Di Kwik a 4 part story-telling mini-series hosted by the iconic creole character “Grandpa” played by Cultural Activist George “Fish” Alphonse and Dékouvè Sent Lisi, Dékouvè kò’w an emotive series which is designed to take its audiences on an exploration of the people and sites of four quaint communities across the island. This program is hosted by Zannika Emilien who is the independence Kwéyòl Debate winner and UN Youth Climate Change Rep for Saint Lucia.

Mineva Ross went on to announce two major events for the season; Launch of Creole Heritage Month Celebrations scheduled for Sunday September 27th, 2020 and Gwan Fet on Sunday October 25th, 2020. She noted that both events will be staged at Fond Latisab Creole Park in Fond Assau Babonneau which has been designated as the Official Creole Village for the 2020 Creole Heritage Month season. These major events will be broadcast LIVE on mainstream media, on social media platforms via the handles @folkresearchcentre, @eventssaintlucia, and @cdfsaintlucia as well as on the various agency websites.

Of special note is the provision for Gwan Fet allowing for real-time participation by audiences facilitated through the video communication platform Zoom, an element of the program which is branded “Gwan Fèt …La kay nou”. Participants will be fully engaged through LIVE promotions and competitions including Best Decorated Creole Home, Best Dressed, Best Display of Creole Cuisine and Best Creole Friends & Family Photo, all driven through social media.

Each of the two LIVE major events, made for TV and Social Media, will feature cultural musical performances, traditional dance, traditional games, creole cuisine, traditional technology, storytelling, creole fashion and other exciting and engaging entertainment, made for TV and social media audiences. Gwan Fet will feature a creole cooking competition and full-scale creole fashion show.

Ross ended her presentation by stating, “Creole Heritage Month this year will be historical and unprecedented as we have gotten an opportunity to expand our reach to audiences far beyond our 238 square miles. We are thrilled to take the lead as the state events production agency, working closely with our resource agencies, FRC and CDF to build and roll out an events program that is both content-rich and exceedingly creative, one that will surpass the expectations of our audiences as we continue to make every moment Eventful.”

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Saint Lucia Creole Heritage Month 2020 Trailer. Click here

Events Company of St. Lucia Inc. 1st Floor, Sureline Building. Vide Bouteille, Castries. Tel. 758-458-6076

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