Business Development & Marketing

The Business Development and Marketing Department within the Cultural Development Foundation (CDF) is a catalyst for the growth of the organization through:

  • Enhancing the capacity of the Foundation to carry out its developmental role through the cultivation of strategic partnerships (public and private) at the local, regional and international level
  • Leading market development for the arts and cultural sector in Saint Lucia through outreach strategies, audience development and creation of linkages and network
  •  Providing direction and input to policy and planning for the Foundation driven by collection and analysis of art and culture-related statistics, qualitative information and documentation.
  • Leading the development and recognition of the “CDF Brand” that communicates and promotes the values, assets and resources of the organization and its role within the arts and cultural community.

Research and Development

The goal of research and development at CDF is to collate and make available records of local art and culture – historical through contemporary, and through this, provide an information resource to underpin and inform the development of the arts and cultural sector and the policies that support the sector. To this end, data collection – quantitative and qualitative, visual, audio and written will be an integral part of CDF projects and activities and will be made available through this website as a tool for development of Saint Lucia’s arts and culture.

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