Nobel Laureate Week

In 1979, Sir Arthur Lewis became the first person in the English-speaking Caribbean to receive the Nobel Prize, which was awarded to him for Economics. In 1992, renowned poet, playwright and painter Derek Walcott was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, earning for the Saint Lucia, distinction as the country with the highest rate of Nobel Prize winners per capita in the world!

In light of this distinction, then Prime Minister the Rt Hon. Sir John Compton established a committee under the chairmanship of esteemed educator Hunter J. Francois, to plan and organise the first Nobel Laureate Week in January 1993.

January 23rd, the birth date shared by both laureates, was declared Nobel Laureate Day. It is now an official annual national observance promoting excellence, and held under the patronage of the Governor General of Saint Lucia, H.E. Dame Pearlette Louisy.

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